This could be perceived as ‘the boring bit’, but if you can’t run your business effectively then all the hard work could be in vein. It is this section that can really mark you out as being professional, even if you are working a full-time job and magic is generates a side-income.
So, what’s involved in running your magic business?
Well, to put it simply: admin! But let’s break that down to different tasks that need to be done:
- Taking and returning phone calls promptly,
- Replying to emails and enquiries promptly,
- Typing up contracts,
- Networking,
- Generating new business,
- Social media updates,
- Logging invoices and receipts,
- Following up clients for feedback,
- Updating marketing and brand,
- Learning new material and rehearsing it.
Oh, and almost forgot:
- Doing the shows!
All of this needs to be done, and it needs to be done quickly and efficiently. I’ve taken bookings purely because I was the first magician to answer their phone (and not let it run to voicemail) as the client needed to get things booked during her lunch break.
You need to allow time to generate new business and enquiries. You could do a mail out to local venues, or do a publicity stunt. This all takes organisation and time.
Put systems into place to follow up enquiries and leads generated
When someone wants to book you make you send out contracts promptly (even if by email). Log all invoices and receipts swiftly, DON’T let them pile up and wait until the week before your tax return is due before you attempt to sort them out!
Templates for contracts, client databases and emails are included in the Courses.
What we’ve covered over these last few lessons really is just the basics, a grounding to kick things off. If you are serious about becoming a professional magician then make sure you check out the How To Be A Professional Magician courses.
The Full Course contains all the information (as well as 30 minute Skype consultation to help you get your business launched), and the abridged courses also cover business set-up.